Nucleus offers a wide array of consulting services from website design and computer consulting (installing hardware/software, configuration, virus scanning and regular maintenance) to large network design and implementation. Our consultants will work with you to design a system that meets your current needs and accommodates future growth.


Computer and Network Consulting

From setting up your router, to deploying massive and reliable business networks, Nucleus can help you with all our IT consulting needs.  Home or at the office, our technicians offer fast efficient configurations, consulting, hardware or software installs or repairs at our inexpensive consultant rate!

Certified Network Configuration & Consulting by Nucleus means your network will be operating smoothly in no time at all.  Let us help, book an appointment by contacting us.

Nucleus consulting rates:

  • Networking and computer consulting rates for clients not on a contract is $115/hour Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and after hours or weekend rates for consulting are $230/hour.
  • Cisco consulting rates regardless of contract is $200/hour Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and after hours or weekend rates for consulting are $300/hour.
  • Website development and maintenance rate is $100/hour with a minim of half hour charge.

Consulting Contracts can be singed with Nucleus at the following rates:

  • $1200/year for 12 hour guaranteed response time on next business day.
  • $2400/year for 6 hour guaranteed response time on next business day.
  • $5200/year for 4 hour guaranteed response time.
  • Other options available, contact us discuss.

All Companies with a consulting contract have access to our 24/7 emergency phone number and don’t have to wait in the support queue with response time placed at a higher priority as well as a discounted consulting rate of $100/hour Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:00pm and after hours or weekend rates for consulting are $200/hour (does not apply to work being done on CISCO equipment by one of our CISCO certified consultants)


In Shop PC Repairs

In shop work done on your PC at our Calgary office is billed at a rate of $50.00/hour with a minimum half hour charge.
The following packages are available:
[show_more more="Hardware Installation ...more details" less="...less"]

Hardware Installation
  • This is a minimum half hour charge and is quoted at about 30 minutes per piece of hardware when doing an installation. For example if someone needed a motherboard and a video card installed, it would be a 1 hour charge.

[show_more more="OS Re-Installation w/ updates ...more details" less="...less"]

OS Re-Installation w/ updates
  • This is generally a minimal 3 hour process and the charge for this would be $150

[show_more more="Windows Update ...more details" less="...less"]

Windows Update
  • This is a minimum half hour charge but again, it can depend on the amount of windows updates that need to be done. This would be quoted at 30 minutes but has the potential to be much larger.

[show_more more="Full Format ...more details" less="...less"]

Full Format
  • Formatting a partition is normally done during an OS installation. If this is requested, a minimum half hour charge would apply.

[show_more more="Virus Scanning/Spyware Removal ...more details" less="...less"]

Virus Scanning/Spyware Removal
  • These areas are generally a minimum 2 hour charge ($100.00) but again, depending on the overall state of the PC this cost can both increase or decrease, the average is about 2 hours.

[show_more more="Backup data onto second drive or CD ...more details" less="...less"]

Backup data onto second drive or CD
  • Backups are generally quoted at a one hour charge ($50) but depending on the amount of data, this can increased.

[show_more more="Other (general troubleshooting) ...more details" less="...less"]

Other (general troubleshooting)
  • Other troubleshooting is usually priced at about two and a half hours overall ($125).


To book an appointment please contact technical support.
We also take walk ins during regular business hours!


 Business Continuity Consulting and Solutions

It’s the worst case scenario; you’re on your way to work when you get a call, alarms are ringing and the office is up in flames. By this time it’s too late, all your documents and files are destroyed and you are back to square one. All the while you can’t help but think; what now? How do we recover from this? While this situation may seem like a far shot, it CAN happen, it HAS happened. Would this be you? Does your business have a contingency plan in place to react and adapt to the unforeseen?

Whether it is a single internet connection failure or a complete loss of your physical space; from an Information Technologies (IT) standpoint, business continuity planning analyzes your business IT operations to identify vulnerabilities and to implement a contingency plan.

Nucleus business continuity planning takes a comprehensive approach to ensure your business can continue to make money in any event of calamity, on any scale. At Nucleus we understand the importance of adaptability and are able to offer a wide range of services to augment your IT portfolio so you can avoid having all your eggs in one basket.  Contact us to  book an appointment today.


Hardware and Software Sales

Hardware Sales:

Here is what we have to offer!

  • competitive, wholesale pricing
  • fast, efficient service
  • complete configuration of all Internet applications so they work on your Nucleus Internet connection
Nucleus is an official re seller of the following hardware products:
  • Meraki
  • IOSafe
  • Dell Canada
Software Sales:

Nucleus is an official reseller of the following products, for detailed information on any of these products:

  • Veeam “Availability for the Modern Data Center”


 Other Consulting

Salesforce Consulting with Mangoforce >>

Web application development with Vehikl >>

Taking great ideas to a new level Fibernetics Ventures >>

    Marketing and website design by Nine Point Nine Group >>

    We are the solution you need

    Regardless of your needs, Nucleus can provide you with cost-effective solutions. If we do not have the expertise on staff to handle your project, we will bring experts in or refer you to one of our many partners who specialize in that particular area.

    Contact us for more details


    Small Print

    - Plans and pricing is subject to change without notice.
    - Prices do not include taxes.
    - Hourly rate billing includes travel time.
    - A company representative must remain on site the entire time we are at location.
    - Authorization for work must be approved by someone at your company that has singing authority.
    - We are not responsible for physically moving any equipment or furniture of any kind in order to preform the requested work.
    - We are not liable for any data loss or damages that may occur while preforming the work requested