Effective July 2018, the Chrome browser will begin labeling sites without HTTPS as “Not secure”. This represents a significant change; many more people will encounter these warnings as a result. Previously, Chrome only showed this warning indicator after someone entered text into a form on HTTP-only pages.
The image below, taken from the Chrome team’s blog announcement posted last week, illustrates the upcoming change:
With Chrome having approximately 60% of the desktop and mobile market share, sites without HTTPS should rightfully be concerned with how their users will perceive the “Not secure” indicator.
If you need help securing your website with a free SSL Certificate from Let’s Encrypt, Nucleus is offering to set this up for you for a one time $40 charge. If you are interested in having our team help enable this feature for you before it becomes a problem, please contact us at websupport@nucleus.worldline.ca.
To view other SSL Certificate options offered by Nucleus, please visit: https://nucleus.worldline.ca/services/hosting/ssl-certificates/
Nucleus Network Operations